
Thursday, February 26, 2009

O Hai!

**If you haven't yet, read the previous blogpost first, then come back to this one. KTHXBI**

It's me, back again as promised. Did you miss me?

So I spoke about the day that was in the last post, but in this one I want to discuss the mystery that is the future... and my plans for it.

So, lately I've been drifting a little bit in relation to my plans for the future. While I am still certain that quitting university was definitely the right move, I haven't been able to figure out what to do instead. I've come up with things to say when people ask my intentions, like "oh, I'm thinking about working in Jewellery" (which would be a nice occupation, but I don't see myself doing it seriously for the rest of my life) but as yet, nothing has really grabbed me. I have a lot of things I want to do and achieve, etc. but precious few of them will potentially put food on the table. I've made a list of these things. I sort of don't care that some will really not mean much in the long term. I don't think I should be restricting myself to life's boring prescription of what people expect one to do with one's life. So here it is. My List-Of-Things-I-Want-To-Do-With-My-Life*:
  • Put blue streaks in my hair (not just blue tint - like full on electric blue)
  • Find a place of employment that will hire me without telling me to get rid of my blue streaks
  • Get out of debt
  • Become famous on YouTube (my channel is here) *hinthint*
  • Travel around the world to meet friends from YT
  • Write a novel in November (for National Novel Writing Month a.k.a NaNoWriMo)
  • Turn my novel into a Graphic Novel series
  • Get both versions published
  • Become accomplished at both Drawing and Watercolour
  • Get my A.Mus on Violin
  • Write and record songs with meaning
  • Release my own solo album
  • Collaborate musically with my family
  • Have my own pet guinea pig or 2
  • Own my own House and Car
  • Deck out my whole house with furnishings from IKEA
  • Put it all together myself
  • Design my own pieces of jewellery
  • Afford quality findings for my jewellery
  • Design, make and sell 1" badges
  • Get a wardrobe that actually suits me
  • Read 50 books in a year... EVERY year
  • Fill my passport with stamps 
  • Get back into dancing and rollerblading
  • Get my artwork published in Artist Palette Magazine
  • See all my good video ideas become reality
  • Get a macbook to make it happen
  • Finish all my unfinished projects lying around
  • A double bed all to myself (until I get married... THEN I'm ok with sharing)
  • Marry the man God made for me
  • Live in another country for a while
  • Have perfect teeth again
  • Write a diary entry. Every. Single. Day.
  • Get my drivers license
  • Learn HTML
  • Build my own websites
  • Declutter my room...and my life
  • Touch people in ways I can't even imagine
  • Find the path set out for me and follow it
  • Truthfully say I know what it feels like to be in love
If you were keeping count, that's 40 things. I think that's enough to keep be busy for a while. Let me know in the comments if you have any goals for your life (you don't have to put them all if you don't want) 

*This list is not finite, nor is everything guaranteed to happen. I'm going to do my best, though. Also, I am confident that with my current skills and abilities I can make each of these things happen. I will likely gain more abilities and confidence in the future allowing me to reach higher goals. Hence this list is likely to change/grow/edit, etc. 

Ok, that's definitely enough from me for one night. I'm going to bed. 

I'll be back again tomorrow. You can count on it.

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty impressive list, and nothing is too terribly out of reach, so good luck with checking 'em all off. You could even update it here when you knock one or more off.

    Some of the things on my list are
    - learning to play the guitar I've owned for almost 8 years now,
    - finally finishing my degree and getting a serious job in education (not sure these days if I want to actually teach),
    - sky-diving and/or bungee jumping
    - finding that special someone
    - paying off my student loans
    - traveling back to Germany and/or seeing most of Europe
    - also travel to Australia, Russia, China, and maybe Israel

    That's the short list cuz I don't want to hog up space on your blog :-p There's this site called 43 things where you can put all the stuff you want to do and find ppl who have done or want to do similar things. kinda cool, but I haven't been to it in a while.
