
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 19...again

My last entry was posted just after midnight here, so it was officially Day 19, but i have to post again before I sleep, so I'm posting now, still officially Day 19 since it's not yet past midnight. 

I have work tomorrow at 9:30, so i want to get to bed soon. I had a few blogging topics i wanted to cover first though. Ok. let's see how i go remembering them all.

Number 1) Drip Drip Drop Little April Showers (inspired by Kiera - go read and follow her, she's awesome!)


In kiera's blog, she mentioned that it was the rain that inspired her to commence BEDA, halfway through the month. Then she mentioned bursting into that song from Bambi, and it reminded me of how much I love that old movie. But that's not what this segment is really about. Oh no. The topic of April Showers in this instance covers something much more, well, topical. Early this month, South-East QLD (where I live) and North-East NSW (where I DON'T live) were assaulted by rainy weather like we haven't seen in a long time. We had a full day of constant rain. Not start-stop-start rain, CONSTANT rain. Bad, because rain is disruptive to our way of life, and it's rarity means it was difficult to adjust. Good, because our damns are higher than they've been in YEARS. I heard these rains (which gave us DOUBLE our annual rainfall quota for april in the space of 2 days) have filled our dams to over 55%. Last time they were over 50% was 2003, so this is quite remarkable. We may, thanks to these rains (at least in the south east corner) be coming towards the end of the drought. If rains like these continue to pepper our weather patterns, the dams reach 80%, we can relax the current water restrictions (currently 170L per person per day) and start to use hoses and sprinklers again. Life might ACTUALLY return to normal. :D


Number 2) Punctuation. Also inspired by Kiera. 

Now, punctuation afficionados will have noticed (and found completely irritating, no doubt) my blatant disregard for Proper Punctuation on my blog. Things like not capitalising my "i's" or putting commas in the wrond place, or omitting them altogether. Not right now, of course. Talking about it has made me conscious of it, so I'm making an effort, but you need look no further than the last paragraph to notice this deficiency.  Kiera, and readers of Kiera's blog will have noticed that on HER post about punctuation, I pretty much claimed to be a punctuation Nazi... and, well, I am. It's just that I see this blog to be my little outlet, my space to just let my hair down a bit. If that means getting a little lazy about punctuation, then hey, so be it. Not so much that all intended inflections are lost, but just enough to not be 100% grammatically correct. I'm pretty sure it's allowed on the internet, right? Seeing as the internet is the birthplace of lolcats and their broken english subtitles. In that context, it's funny. In fact, as far as I am aware, the internet is the birthplace not only of incorrect grammar, but also the general acceptance of incorrect grammar. I heard once that a school in Scottland was now accepting assignments and papers in shorthand**. It has also been said*** that the English language is undergoing its most significant transformation ever in this, the 21st century, again thanks to the internet. 
Ok, before you guys all jump down my throat for saying this after claiming to be Madame Grammer Nazi, I just want you all to know, I don't necessarily support extreme mutilation of our language. I like that I can relax my language a little here, but I'm not all for the blatant vandalisation of it. I'll admit to using lol and rofl and <3>

And now it is too late for me to continue blogging, and also i have run out of topics to plagiarise. (ok, I googled the spelling on this one, and it was pretty divided... but you know what I mean, don't you?) ( says I'm right, so I guess that's close enough) (btw, I don't use the American spelling... obviously because I'm not American)

And that's all from me for now. You all (or, dare I say it, Y'all) have a good Day/Night/whatever it is for you know, and I'll be back again tomorrow for another glorious update.


*see how i did that? i made it look like i'm actually familiar with html by putting that little (rant) (/rant) thing at wither end of that rant to make it sound like i'm really smart with computers. But i guess it didn't really work, huh? since my attempt at looking geekily smart was just spoiled by the fact that my blog looks so generic. Kinda gives away my lack of html knowledge right there... but at least i tried, right?...right? oh, never mind.
** this is just hearsay... I neither have nor know of any substantial basis for this claim... I just heard it once...
***don't ask me who by, though. Again more hearsay.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely need more "y'all" randomly peppered throughout these blogs ;-)

    Rain is awesome and too much of it is a blessing and a curse, as my city found out 3 summers ago. The rains that year caused the worst flooding and damage in our city in a long time.

    I agree with you about punctuation/grammar on-line. Both good and bad grammar/spelling/punctuation/etc. have their place. I think it all depends on how serious you want to be taken or how lazy you want to be.
