
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 19

Ok, so I know (and so do you all, presumably) that I have EPICALLY FAILED at BEDA. I'm going to take a leaf out of MJ's book*, and not pretend I haven't. I will not hide my shame. What I will do, instead of making empty promises to you, my valued readers, that I know I will never keep, is Actually Make Myself Try**. 

I signed up to do BEDA, because I thought it would be no problem. I'm generally pretty committed to posting regularly, so this didn't seem like too much of a stretch. What I didn't wager on was the possibility of discovering something, known as Real Life***. I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this unusual sensation, but discovering it was like discovering a new website, except it was like I was IN the experience, instead of just sitting infront of it. It was somehow more... REAL, or something... 

Whilst this new found experience was fun for a while, I found I have come to miss my online friends. Not being able to read blog posts as soon as they're posted, watching YouTube for hours, tweeting like a madman****... It was a way of life for me. A way of life that has been disrupted, as luck would have it... Our entire broadband allowance for the month chewed up in ten days flat (never happened before...) has left us with dial-up speed net, and i'm not allowed to touch YouTube until 1) the month resets, or 2) we change internet providers to something that will give us a bit more room to move...

Ok, I've actually forgotten where I was going with this post...

Right. Back on track.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, for multiple afformentioned reasons, i've been unable/unwilling to blog. In other words, I'm excusing myself for my laziness. We all know very well that it only takes a little bit of trying to get it done, and excusing myself won't make up for me not trying. So, from now on, you're going to see me AMMT. 

I have to make myself do this. I promised me. I promised you. I promised everybody. And I feel like I let you guys down. I don't wanna do that again. Also, AMMT now will be good practice, for November, when I will have to AMMT. For those of you who don't know, I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month***** this November. 50 000 words in 30 days. This will mean good hard slog. But I'll be prepared. I've even already got a blog set up specifically for it here. I will be posting my draft chapter by chapter******.

Anyway, that's about all I have to say. Tune in again tomorrow to see me AMMT. 

Also, I'm going to take the road well travelled, and ask YOU guys to ask ME questions. Then I can answer them for you in blog form. ASK ME ANYTHING!!!

And this is where i bid you farewell, dear friends. For it is off to dreamland I must travel, but fear not. I shall return come morning light (I mean, when it gets here... to me... in Australia...)*******

K. G'night. :P

*or blog, in this case... see day 10 of MJ's ning :P
** or, AMMT. You should try it some time.
*** Apparently it's really popular among offline folks... who'd a thunk?
**** or madwoman, in this instance.
***** or NaNoWriMo, as it is more affectionately known. :P
****** chapters may or may not be posted during the month of November... stay tuned...
******* Oh just shut up, Lucy. You need sleep. Go. Now.

1 comment:

  1. Nice MJ style footnote things, lol. Good luck with AMMT! Real life is more important anyways; gives you something to write about :-p
