
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

List of things I love: Part the Second

I know I said that this was going to be my Wednesday thing, but I am quite a forgetful person. I'll catch up eventually.

It has come to my attention not so recently that I start a lot of my sentences/paragraphs with the word "so".

So there's that...

To the LIST!

11. Harry Potter
12. Tumblr
13. Chronicles of Narnia (currently starting The Last Battle. It has taken me so long to get around to doing this. EXCITING!)
14. When a little bird comes and just chills on my bedroom window sill in the morning. Just minding his or her* own business.
15. Hans Zimmer's work. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but it's worth another mention, just to ensure that it is here on this list.
16. The Corrs. Irish-pop band who were big from the mid-nineties to the early naughties. Still love every little bit of music they have released to date**
17. Sitting down after a long day with a book and a cup of tea and some relaxing music.
18. The way the sun shines on dewy grass in the morning. I like this especially when it is still misty. There's just something magical about it, and when you're not a morning person like I am not, that extra little bit of magic helps
19. Finally getting a passage of music right after practicing it and screwing it up a million times.
20. Getting excited about nerdy things, be it the release of the latest HP movie***, or an awesome teefury t-shirt design.

*It's a bird, guys. How am I supposed to find out its gender? I mean, really...
**Including the solo releases of both Andrea Corr and Sharon Corr. Don't tell the others, but those two are my favourite.
***Super stoked for the next one btw. The first promo poster came out for it today. Excitement levels through the roof.

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