
Thursday, January 28, 2010

You don't even need to say it.

I know. I know. For all the times I mentioned* how much I love blogging in my last post, and for all the times I have resolved to blog more (because I just love it so damned much) I haven't done a whole lot of blogging.

I have been using Tumblr a little. I will discuss this in further depth when I am ready I suppose. I keep trying to set deadlines for myself, but, as you can well see, that didn't really work too well now, did it? I was thinking at the end of the month, or on the first day of a new month, but since the first of February is this Monday, and also the day I recommence my studies, sadly, I don't foresee a deadline met. Also, that doesn't give me long to make some decent use of Tumblr, because as yet, I have yet to post more than ten times. Considering just how easy it is to post, and indeed, repost on Tumblr, this is really just lazy. I know, every time I say this it loses impact.

BUT. My studies require me to do a lot of sitting in front of a computer. I am relatively sure that it won't be too difficult to procrastinate effectively**. I mean, how hard can it possibly be?

So, as per my New Years Resolution, I will be showing this blog more love.

I have more I could write about, but, since I have been so damned bad at this lately, I am thinking it's time for another Punishment Week***. Really, folks. If there is one piece of blogging wisdom I have gained, it is that no blog should be entered into lightly. A blog is more than a page of whim among a million in cyberspace. A blog is a commitment. It's a portal for interaction like no other. Like, on a scale of one to ten, one being Pet Sea Monkeys, ten being Marriage, I'd say a blog is around a six or seven. No joke. With a blog, you're not committing to a virtual page. You are committing beyond that, to each and every reader who reads, and returns to read, your blog. You commit to people.

I haven't been very committed to you guys at all, and for that, I apologise. If you follow me, you probably did it for a reason. Since I lost my blogging mojo, I have lost sight of what it is I write that keeps you, my followers**** returning to my little old page here.

So, aside from forcing myself back into this WONDERFUL habit, I need to know why you read this little virtual piece of me. Is it my random style of writing? Is it my sense of humour*****? Is it... could it be... the endless promises and failures to improve? Readers, I need to get inside your heads. I know this possibly sounds just *slightly* insecure, and maybe it is. Like I said, I've lost my mojo. I need a little help relocating my groove. Then, it should be sweet.

I have a fairly important life stage that I'd like to keep record of. It starts tomorrow, with orientation.

New leaf officially turned.

See you tomorrow.

*and by 'mentioned' i mean 'gushed about'

**now THERE'S two words you rarely see placed next to each other.

***You remember these, don't you? It was, admittedly, a while ago, back in my blogging prime, when I would post diligently every three days. Then, when my diligence slipped, I would PUNISH myself by making myself post every day for a week, on top of my OE3D commitments.

****Ohhh. That makes me feel POWERFUL. My followers. My minions. Oh, the possibilities... muahahahaha...

*****Not likely

1 comment:

  1. Wait, who are you again? I followed you some time ago for some reason but it has been so long I've forgotten I was following this blog. Sorry. :-p

    I've been worse about blogging, but I never promised my readers that I'd keep my posts regular so maybe that's why I don't feel as bad. Maybe in preparation for this summer (when we'll have to "blog" once a week for the missions project I'm going on) I should keep mine up again until then.
